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Instow Parish Council
Instow Village Hall

Meetings, Agendas & Minutes

The Parish Council meetings are held in Instow Village Hall on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm. Questions are welcome from the public in the section reserved for this at the beginning of the meeting. It would help if Parishioners' questions could be forwarded in advance of the meeting to the Parish Clerk at or by telephone on 07760 800553.

The agenda for the meeting will be posted on parish noticeboards and this website 5 days in advance of the meeting date in order that parishioners are able to forward questions to the Parish Council to discuss and then provide a response within 5 days of the meeting date.

Instow Parish Council is not a Planning Authority but it is invited to make recommendations about the draft Local Plan and about Planning Applications relating to property developments in the Parish. The recommendations are recorded in the minutes of Council meetings, and details of Planning Applications can be found on the North Devon Council’s website


Date Comment Agenda Minutes Reports
12/12/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 12/12/2024View Reports
21/11/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 21/11/2024Minutes 21/11/2024 (Unapproved)View Reports
17/10/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 17/10/2024Minutes 17/10/2024
19/09/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 19/09/2024Minutes 19/09/2024View Reports
18/07/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 18/07/2024Minutes 18/07/2024View Reports
20/06/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 20/06/2024Minutes 20/06/2024View Reports
16/05/2024IPC AGMAgenda 16/05/2024Minutes 16/05/2024 (Unapproved)View Reports
16/05/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 16/05/2024Minutes 16/05/2024View Reports
16/05/2024Instow Annual Parish MeetingAgenda 16/05/2024
18/04/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 18/04/2024Minutes 18/04/2024View Reports
21/03/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 21/03/2024Minutes 21/03/2024View Reports
15/02/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 15/02/2024Minutes 15/02/2024View Reports
18/01/2024Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 18/01/2024Minutes 18/01/2024View Reports


Date Comment Agenda Minutes Reports
14/12/2023Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 14/12/2023Minutes 14/12/2023View Reports
16/11/2023Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 16/11/2023Minutes 16/11/2023View Reports
19/10/2023Instow Parish Council MeetingAgenda 19/10/2023Minutes 19/10/2023View Reports
21/09/2023Agenda 21/09/2023Minutes 21/09/2023View Reports
20/07/2023 Minutes 20/07/2023
15/06/2023 Minutes 15/06/2023
18/05/2023 Minutes 18/05/2023
18/05/2023IPC AGM Minutes 18/05/2023
20/04/2023 Minutes 20/04/2023
16/03/2023 Minutes 16/03/2023
16/02/2023 Minutes 16/02/2023
19/01/2023 Minutes 19/01/2023

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